Tuesday 2 June 2015

My Mom's 51st Birthday!

It was my mom's birthday. Like on every other occasion, my family planned to have lunch in a fancy restaurant, a restaurant with perfect ambiance and delicious food. On the top floor of a decent mall, there is such a restaurant located. We were walking up the elevator, overwrought to explore the new delicacies which the restaurant was about to present us.

On the passage to the entrance of the restaurant, there were some beautiful blooming plants. On the left side, was a rooftop dine-in and on the right side, there was a door. Walking through the doorway, we saw some aesthetically pleasing paintings on the wall. There were beautiful chandeliers on the roof. We took the corner table which had sofa seat. Royal as it looked, was very comfortable. The authentic music added glory to the ambiance.

We were holding menus in our hands, deciding what to order. Inquiring the waiter about the specialties, we ordered Orange Vanilla Mocktail and Fried Wontons for Starters and, Dahi Kofta (yoghurt rolls in gravy), Pindi Channa (spicy chickpeas) and Tandoori Roti (Indian bread) in the main course. First came the Wontons with onion rings and they looked delicious. Waiter offered to serve us, and put two pieces on each of our plates. There were three types of sauces which we had never heard of, but, were extraordinarily delicious, one of them was a sauce which had pasta in it. Sauces made the platter look gorgeous. Wontons had crispy brown layer on the outside and the spicy filling inside, was a perfect combination. I tasted Wontons for the first time, they were terrific.

Now was the turn of main course. The mouth-watering glimpse of Pindi Channa, made us all irresistible to eat it. It's dark brown color made it look all spicy and tingy. It was amazingly prepared and was toothsome. All the flavors were amazingly perfect. The tandoori roti was too soft and I was tempted to see the plate of Dahi Kofta as well, distinctive it was. The thick gravy was very well molded with the yoghurt filling inside the balls. The gravy had some flavors which were exceptionally great, a finest flavorful dish I have ever had.

After the meal, my sister suggested to order Coconut Cigar. I had never heard about it before. We were all confused to order this, but it was, for sure, cherry on the top. It was served in a martini glass. It had wafer sticks filled with perfectly roasted sugary coconut kept on top of vanilla ice-cream scoops. Bliss to the finality, it felt like heaven in my mouth.